Chinese Gender Predictor Calculator

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Discovering your baby’s gender is one of the most exciting aspects of pregnancy. Among various gender prediction tools, the Chinese Gender Calendar or Chinese Gender Predictor Chart is notable for its historical background and traditional use.

If you're curious about whether you’re carrying a baby boy or girl, try UpTodd’s Chinese Gender Predictor Tool! Simply enter your date of birth and exact conception date, and get a predicted gender result.

What Is the Chinese Gender Predictor Calculator?

The Chinese Gender Predictor Calculator is a traditional tool used to predict a baby’s gender based on the mother’s lunar age and the lunar conception date. It is also known as:

This method traces back to ancient Chinese civilizations, with origins believed to be from a historical chart found in a tomb near Beijing about 700 years ago.

Feature Details
Method Lunar Age & Conception Month
Origin Ancient China (approx. 700 years old)
Historical Significance Used by Qing Dynasty to predict sons for family lineage
Scientific Basis None - purely traditional

Should You Use a Chinese Gender Calendar?

You can use this tool as a fun and informal way to predict your baby’s gender. It can also be a great guessing game at baby showers!

However, do not rely on this tool for medical accuracy. It is not a substitute for medical procedures like ultrasounds.

When Can You Use the Chinese Gender Predictor Tool?

Unlike medical procedures (e.g., ultrasounds, which determine gender after 20 weeks), this tool can be used at any stage of pregnancy since it only requires the mother’s age and conception date.

Method Accuracy When to Use?
Ultrasound High After 20 weeks
Chinese Gender Calendar Low (~ 50% accuracy) Anytime

Accuracy of the Chinese Gender Predictor Calendar

This tool has no scientific support and has a 50-50 probability of being correct, similar to flipping a coin.
Some scholars claim it has over 90% accuracy, but this is widely disputed.

Claim Reality
70% - 90% Lacks scientific proof
50% accuracy As reliable as random guessing
Based on ancient charts No logical evidence

Thus, use it for fun, not as a medical confirmation.

History of the Chinese Gender Chart

The Chinese Gender Prediction Chart has a rich history:

How Does the Chinese Gender Predictor Work?

The tool determines gender based on the mother’s lunar age and the lunar conception month.
If you don't know your lunar dates, the tool automatically converts it for you.

Example calculation:

Gregorian Date Lunar Date
Birth Date Jan 15, 1989 Dec 8, 1988
Conception Date Jun 5, 2018 Apr 22, 2018

Prediction: Baby Girl

How Is Chinese Lunar Age Measured?

Chinese age calculation differs from Western methods:

Birth Date Lunar Age in June
(Same Year)
Born before Chinese New Year
(e.g., Jan 15)
2 years old
Born after Chinese New Year
(e.g., Mar 10)
1 year old

Use an online converter to determine your Chinese Lunar Age.

Can This Tool Accurately Predict Gender?

Gender is determined by chromosomes in the sperm:

Condition Prediction (Chinese Gender Chart) Reality
Even birth date + even conception month Girl No scientific proof
Odd birth date + odd conception month Girl Random Chance
One even + one odd Boy No correlation

The Chinese Gender Predictor cannot influence or determine your baby's gender.
Thus, use this tool for entertainment only.

Does the Chinese Gender Predictor Change Every Year?

No, the chart remains the same every year. However:

Thus, there are no new or updated versions of the Chinese Gender Predictor Chart.




The Chinese Gender Predictor Tool is a fun and traditional way to guess your baby’s gender. However, it should never replace medical tests like ultrasound.

Disclaimer: Online numerology calculators do not store personal data, making them secure and private for users.

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